Starting with energy

Each of us tends to repress one of the following: productive thinking, functional feeling, or useful doing. These repressions correspond to the Dependent/Relational (1,2,6), Aggressive (3,7,8), and Withdrawing (4,5,9) stances.

As a feeling-repressor, I use my wonky hip—it speaks to me regularly—as a reminder to check in with my emotional state. Is there something I’m avoiding?

Perhaps there is a creaky part of you that could serve as a touchstone of grounding, too. At the very least, choosing to appreciate a message from our body turns our attitude from judgment to gratitude. Then growth—physical, mental, and emotional—has room to rise.

Join me in this 30-minute practice that begins with a dynamic standing movement challenging balance and focusing our breath. Start with energy!

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Triad Yoga

